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If you suffer a work injury, contact an attorney as soon as possible so the evidence can be developed, and you can obtain proper and necessary benefits. Workers need a lawyer to advocate for them because the insurance adjuster and nurse case manager are not on their side. They work for the insurance company and are paid to keep expenses low.
The Law Offices of Easter P. Moses provides workers’ compensation representation in Virginia. We can help you with workers’ compensation claims and third-party personal injury suits. Attorney Moses will assist you with filing your workers’ comp claim.
It is important to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. If you wait too late to get started, you can permanently damage your case. For a free consultation with a Roanoke workers’ compensation attorney, please call (540) 299-2146 or fill out our online form.
Virginia workers’ compensation provides wage replacement benefits, medical bills, mileage reimbursement for doctor’s appointments and job search travel, permanent disability payments and vocational training in certain cases. However, there is no compensation for pain and suffering.
We have extensive experience with many types of work accidents, including:
Workers may suffer injuries such as brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, back and neck injuries, joint injuries, nerve damage, soft-tissue damage, electric shock, fractures, amputations and burns. In wrongful death cases, the victim’s family may be entitled to death benefits.
If your injuries are so severe that you cannot go back to work, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). We can help you apply for SSDI benefits. Like workers’ comp, it is a complex process that often requires an attorney’s help. To schedule a free consultation, call (540) 299-2146.
Free Workers' Compensation Consultations
We have a history of good results.
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(540) 299-2146
Mr. Moses was very courteous and took the time to answer all of my questions. He got back with me timely and it was a good experience working with him! I would highly recommend Mr. Moses to my friends and family.
- Martha P.
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